Packages and offers in exclusivity on our web-site
Availability and booking in real time
Payments even with bank transfers
If you wish to book a vacation at the Hotel Cala Lunga, you are in the right place! And for a variety of reasons. First of all, the price: Hotel Cala Lunga guarantees its direct Customers the best price available on the web and offers them dedicated and exclusive offers during the season.
Booking directly you will also have greater flexibility in payments and in our online booking system you can choose to pay your stay even by bank transfer. Furthermore, as a direct customer, you can check in online before your arrival and speed up the registration procedure.
Would you send to the dates of your interest,
and we formulate for you the best available rate
Your stay at the Cala Lunga Hotel includes for all rates:
Use of the swimming pool with sun-umbrellas and sun-beds
Access to the private beach equipped with sun-umbrellas and sun-beds
Indoor playroom equipped for children
Wi-Fi connection
Parking space in the hotel's private car park